The focus of this video is how to use NCC Volume Two, to find and interpret information about Performance Requirements and compliance solutions.


[Voice over] Using NCC Volume Two 

NCC Tutor Series 

The focus of this presentation is on how to use NCC Volume Two, to find and interpret information about Performance Requirements and compliance solutions for Class 1 and Class 10 buildings. 

This module is best viewed with a copy of the NCC on hand – to access the NCC, visit and register or log in to freely access it. 

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In this presentation you will learn: 

  • How NCC Volume Two is organised and where to find information within it 
  • Performance Provisions in NCC Volume Two, and 
  • Deemed-to-Satisfy or DTS Provisions in NCC Volume Two (called Acceptable Construction)  

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How is Volume Two of the NCC organised? 

Section 1 contains the Governing Requirements, which are the same in all three volumes of the NCC. You will find all the same information in Section 1 of Volume Two as you will find in Section A of Volumes One and Three (Just the numbering is different.) This includes information on building classifications and referenced documents. 

As the Governing Requirements section is the same across all three volumes of the NCC, it will not be discussed any further n this module.  

All the Performance Requirements have been gathered together into Section 2 Performance Provisions. 

Note that in the other volumes, Performance Requirements are spread out across different sections. This might be initially confusing if you have been use to using or Volume One or Volume Three. 

Section 2 also includes the Verification Methods for the different Performance Requirements.  

All of the Deemed-to-Satisfy or DTS Provisions have been gathered together into Section 3 Acceptable Construction. Volume Two uses this term to refer to what other volumes call DTS Provisions. 

Note that in the other volumes, DTS Provisions are included immediately after the relevant Performance Requirements within the different sections. This change might be initially confusing if you are use to using Volume One or Volume Three. 

Volume Two contains the same Schedules as the other volumes. Most of the text in the Schedules is identical across the three volumes, but the contents of Schedule 1 State and Territory Appendices varies.  

As the Schedules are more or less the same in all volumes of the NCC, we will not discussed these any further in this presentation. 

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How is Section 2 Performance Provisions organised? 

All the Performance Requirements and Verification Methods relevant to Class 1 and Class 10 buildings have been gathered into this Section of the volume. 

The DTS Provisions are in Section 3, which will be looked at later in this presentation. 

The Performance Provisions in Section 2 must be read together with the Governing Requirements in Section 1, for the full requirements for these building classifications.

A reference to a “building” in this section is a reference to both Class 1 and Class 10 buildings.  If a provision relates to only one of these classifications, or to a sub-classification only (for example 1b or 10a) then a Limitation statement is used to show this. 

Access requirements for people with disabilities in Class 1b and Class 10 buildings can be found in Part D3 of Volume One. 

All the usual guidelines for interpreting the NCC apply, for example: Italicised terms have precise meanings which are defined in Schedule 3 Definitions. Referenced documents have a legal force. (That is, once referenced in the NCC, they are considered to be part of the code.) Schedule 1 State and Territory Appendices contain jurisdictional differences that builders and designers need to be aware of. Exceptions, Limitations and State and Territory Variations and Additions are mostly indicated in text. 

Part 2.1: Structure. The objective is to make sure the structure of a building doesn't cause injury to people, or loss of amenity, or damage to the property It's also to ensure glazing doesn't cause injury to people. It contains structural stability and resistance, and buildings in flooding areas. It also contains information about verification methods for structural reliability and robustness. 

Part 2.2: Damp and Weatherproofing. The objective is to primarily protect people from injury and the building itself from damage by various forms of water; Surface water, external moisture, internal moisture, and also, swimming pool waste water. It contains information about rain-water management, weatherproofing, rising damp, drainage from swimming pools, as well as verification methods for weatherproofing. 

Part 2.3 deals with fire safety. The objective is to protect people from illness or injury from fire, by alerting them to a fire in a building, and allowing for safe evacuation. It also aims to avoid the spread of fire in a building. This section contains information about the spread of fire, automatic warning for occupants, as well as verification methods for avoidance of the spread of fire. 

Part 2.4 deals with health and amenity. The objective is to protect people from illness, injury, or loss of amenity caused by a variety of building aspects. Amenity is an attribute which contributes to the health, physical independence, comfort, and well-being of people. This section contains information about wet areas, room heights, personal hygiene and other facilities, lighting, ventilation, sound insulation, and condensation and also, information on multiple verification methods. 

Part 2.5: Safe movement and access. The aim here is to provide people with safe access to and movement within a building. It contains information on movement to and within a building as well as fall prevention barriers. It also contains information on verification methods for wire barriers. 

Part 2.6 deals with energy efficiency. The aim here is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for a building, by facilitating efficient use of energy, and sourcing green energy. It contains information around building, services, as well as verification methods for energy use and building envelope sealing. 

Part 2.7 deals with ancillary provisions, and additional construction requirements. The objective of this section is to protect people from illness and injury from a range of causes ancillary to the building itself. This includes protecting the building from the effects of a bush fire. This section contains information about swimming pool access and recirculation systems, heating appliances, buildings and alpine and bush fire prone areas, and private bush fire shelters. It also contains verification methods for combustion appliances, and buildings in bushfire prone areas. 

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Let’s look at an example of a Performance Requirement in Volume Two and answer some questions regarding its interpretation. This is P2.4.6 Sound insulation. 

Let’s now look at the example on how to best interpret the Performance Requirements. 

1. What do you think “loss of amenity” could mean in parts P2.4.6(a) and P2.4.6(b)? 

“Loss of amenity” would include things like being unable to undertake normal household activities because of noise coming from an adjoining dwelling. Normal household activities  include things like sleeping, talking to others, watching TV or listening to music, studying or working from home, engaging in a hobby or other pastime. 

2. How does the NCC define the terms sanitary compartment and habitable room? 

The definitions are as per Schedule 3. Understanding these leads to the understanding, for example, that P2.4.6(b) doesn’t apply when a wall sits between two bathrooms or two laundries in adjacent dwellings because a bathroom or a laundry is not a habitable room. 

3. How is this Performance Requirement varied in the Northern Territory? 

Clause P2.4.6(b) is deleted – so for the Northern Territory, (b) is gone and (c) is the new (b).  The words, “impact generated sound” has been added to Clause P2.4.6(a).  

To see this variation, you need to look at this Performance Requirement in the NCC. Here you’ll see the State and Territory variation discussed. 

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Let’s look at this example of interpreting Verification Methods, for Sound insulation. Take a few moments to read it and then we’ll try answering some questions. You may wish to pause the video while you research your answer in NCC Volume Two. 

1. Which Performance Requirements can this Verification Method be used for? 

The Verification Method can be used to demonstrate compliance with P2.4.6(a) and (c) as indicated in the text. 

2. Where can you find the procedure for measuring the sound transmission as required by this Verification Method? 

The procedure for measuring the sound transmission can be found in AS/NZS or ISO 717.1 Acoustics – Rating of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements – Airborne sound insulation. 

3. What does “in-situ” mean and why is this important? 

“In-situ” means in place. This would mean that you need to test the sound insulation of the wall once it is installed in its final location. Testing the sound insulation properties of the various wall components or a wall assembly that had not been installed would not qualify as verifying this requirement. 

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4. True or False? 

In Section 2, Volume Two When a provision refers to a building, it means just a Class 1 building and not a Class 10 structure. 


Yes, that’s right. Part 2.0.1(b) states that a reference to a building in Section 2 is a reference to both Class 1 and Class 10 buildings, unless otherwise specified.  

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Match the Part in Section 2 with its subject. We have Part 2.1, 2.3, 2.5, and 2.6. The topics are: Energy Efficiency, Safe Movement and Access, Fire Safety, and Structure.

Part 2.1 – Structure
Part 2.3 – Fire safety
Part 2.5 – Safe movement and access
Part 2.6 – Energy efficiency

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What information can you find in Section 2? Is it Performance Requirements, Verification Methods and DTS Provisions, or Performance Requirements and Verification Methods, or DTS provisions only, or Performance Requirements only? 

Take a moment to consider your answer. 

Yes, that’s right. Both Performance Requirements and possible Verification Methods are found in Section 2 of Volume Two. 

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What is in Section 3 Acceptable Construction? 

There are two kinds of DTS Provisions for Class 1 and 10 buildings and structures. The first is Acceptable Construction Manuals or ACMs and the second is Acceptable Construction Practices or ACPs. 

  • ACMs are DTS referenced documents, such as Standards 
  • ACPs are traditional construction techniques. 

When proposing a DTS Solution, you can usually use either or both pathways. That is: either the ACMs, or the ACPs, or a combination of the two. 

Note that not all parts have both ACMs and ACPs. 


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Let’s now look at an example of applying the ACMs, Part 3.5.2 provides the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions for roof tiling.  

This means that if an installation is completed according to the DTS Provisions of this Part, it is deemed to be compliant with the applicable Performance Requirements for roof tiling. 

One way to do this is to use the Acceptable Construction Manuals, which means installing either: Roof tiles in accordance with AS 2050, or Roof slates or shingles in compliance with AS 4597. 

The other way to do this is to follow the Acceptable Construction Practices. 

Not all ACPs have to be complied with for all installations. Some have very specific limitations that would make them unsuitable for all applications. These limitations generally relate to conditions around the climate, geography, topography and or building geometry. Read the provisions and the limitations to determine which ACPs apply in a particular instance. For example, Part lists some limitations on the use of the ACPs in this Part. 


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How is Section 3 Acceptable Construction organised? This exercise is intended to give you an opportunity to use the NCC to find the answers to some questions. First, look at the order in which the various Parts are listed – what does it remind you of?  

Yes, that’s right, this Section has 12 Parts organised following the logical sequence of construction. 

While each part is separate, you need to look at the provisions holistically in application. This is particularly important when formulating Performance Solutions, as altering one provision may have a roll-on effect to other parts. 

For example, where an alternative stair system is proposed, such as a cantilevered stair system, it is likely to have an effect on the requirements for barriers and handrails. 

All the usual guidelines for interpreting the NCC apply. For example, italicised terms have precise meanings which are defined in Schedule 3 Definitions. Referenced documents have a legal force (that is, once referenced in the code, they are considered to be part of the code). Schedule 1 State and Territory Appendices contains jurisdictional differences that builders and designers need to be aware of. Exceptions, Limitations and State and Territory Variations and Additions are mostly indicated in text. 

Let's now look at some questions to help us interpret. Let's try some questions and see if you can find the answers in Volume Two. You may wish to pause the video after each question is shown. When you're ready to look at the answers, start the video again. 

Where in Section 3 would you expect to find each of the following? 

Question 1: Terms used to describe the different parts of stairways: 

  • Part 3.9 Safe Movement and Access, specifically: 
  • Part 3.9.1 Stairway and ramp construction  
  • Part Explanation of terms 
  • Figure Stairway terms. 

Question 2: Options for protecting Class 1 buildings from fire originating in a Class 10a structure: 

  • Part 3.7 Fire Safety, specifically: 
  • Part Class 10a buildings, and 
  • Figure Protection of Class 1 buildings – Class 10a between Class 1 and the allotment boundary 
  • Figure Protection of Class 1 buildings –between Class 1 and other buildings on allotment 
  • Figure Protection of Class 1 buildings – Separation of Class 10a buildings on an allotment. 

Question 3: Special requirements for construction in earthquake areas, flood hazard areas, bushfire prone areas and alpine areas: 

  • Part 3.10 Ancillary Provisions and Additional Construction Requirements, specifically: 
  • Part 3.10.2 Earthquake areas 
  • Part 3.10.3 Flood hazard areas 
  • Part 3.10.4 Construction in alpine areas, and 
  • Part 3.10.5 Construction in bushfire prone areas. 

Question 4: Solutions for meeting Performance Requirements for lighting and ventilation: 

  • Part 3.8 Health and Amenity, specifically: 
  • Part 3.8.4 Light, and 
  • Part 3.8.5 Ventilation. 

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Let’s look at some questions to confirm your understanding of Interpreting Section 3. 

Question 1: According to Part 3.12 Energy Efficiency, what is the minimum total R-Value for a roof in climate zone 3, if the upper surface solar absorptance value is >0.6? 

  • Part Roofs 
  • Table Roof – minimum Total R-values (climate zone 3) 
  • The minimum total R-Value is 5.1, both up and down. 

Question 2: According to Part 3.5.2 Roof tiles and shingles, when must an anti-ponding device be installed with sarking? 

We need to look at Part Anti-ponding device board and when we look at this we find the answer is: 

  • Required when sarking is installed on roofs with: 
  • Pitches less than 20°, and 
  • No eaves overhanging, regardless of the roof pitch. 

Question 3: According to Part 3.7.3 Fire protection of separating walls and floors, what fire-resistance level (FRL) is required for a wall of lightweight construction that separates two Class 1 dwellings? 

We look at; Part Separating walls and what we find is: 

  • The FRL must be not less than 60/60/60 
  • It also must be tested in accordance with Specification C1.8 of NCC Volume One. 

Question 4: According to Part 3.2 Footings and Slabs, what DTS compliance methods are available for complying with requirements for footings and slabs? 

If we look at the ACMs, we look at Part 3.2.0 Application and we can see the answer there is: 

  • AS 2870 Residential slabs and footings 
  • AS 2159 Piling – design and installation. 

If we look at the ACPs we look at: 

  • Part 3.2.1 Application 
  • Part 3.2.2 Preparation 
  • Part 3.2.3 Concrete and reinforcing 
  • Part 3.2.4 Site classification 
  • Part 3.2.5 Footing and slab construction. 

Question 5: According to Part 3.1 Site Preparation, what DTS compliance methods are available for complying with drainage requirements? 

We look at Part 3.1.3 Drainage, if we look at the ACM’s, we look at: 

  • Part Application, and We can see here it refers to AS/NZS3500.3 Plumbing and drainage – Stormwater drainage 

We look at the ACPs: 

  • Application  
  • Drainage requirements  
  • Surface water drainage  
  • Subsoil drainage  
  • Stormwater drainage. 

Question 6: According to Part 3.0 Structural Provisions, in what wind regions are the following cities: 

  • Sydney? 
  • Brisbane? 
  • Carnavon WA? 

When we look at Figure 3.0.1 Wind regions, we can find that Sydney is in Region A2, Brisbane is in Region B and Carnavon is in Region D. 

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How do we use Volume Two effectively? 

Firstly, we look up the applicable Performance Requirements in Section 2. 

We check definitions and note exceptions, limitations and state and territory variations to any Performance Requirements. 

We then look up possible DTS Provisions relating to the Performance Requirements in Section 3. We identify which ACMs or ACPs could be used to demonstrate compliance with the Performance Requirements. 

We then check definitions and note any State and Territory variations to any ACM or ACP. 

We then decide on the use of a DTS Solution, Performance Solution or a combination of the two. 

Lastly, if using a DTS Solution, we determine which ACM and/or ACP is applicable, and decide which method we will use. 

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Let's look at some questions to test your knowledge. 

Which of the following is a DTS Solution in Section 3 of NCC Volume Two? 

  • Acceptable Construction Practices 
  • Acceptable Construction Manuals 
  • Acceptable Construction Manuals and Acceptable Construction Practices, or 
  • None of the above? 

Take a moment to consider your answer. 

Yes, that’s right. The Acceptable Construction Practices and the Acceptable Construction Manuals are both methods for achieving a DTS Solution. 

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True or False? In Volume Two of the NCC, the Deemed-to-Satisfy Provisions in Section 3 are the only way you can comply with the Performance Requirements in Section 2. 

False - Yes, that’s right. The introduction to Section 3 states that Performance Solutions can be used instead, provided that they comply with all applicable Performance Requirements. 

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Match the Part in Section 3 with its subject; We have Part 3.1, 3.5, 3.9. and 3.12 and the subjects are Energy Efficiency, Safe Movement and Access, Roof and Wall Cladding and Site Preparation. 

Part 3.1 – Site preparation
Part 3.5 – Roof and wall cladding
Part 3.9 – Safe movement and access
Part 3.12 – Energy efficiency

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Match the Part in Section 3 with its subject; We have Part 3.2, Part 3.4, Part 3.6, and Part 3.8 and the subjects are: Footings and Slabs, Glazing, Health and Amenity and Framing. 

Part 3.2 – Footings and slabs
Part 3.4 - Framing
Part 3.6 - Glazing
Part 3.8 – Health and amenity 

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The key points from this presentation are:  

  • There are two types of DTS Provisions:  
  • Acceptable Construction Manuals or ACMs and Acceptable Construction Practices or ACPs. 
  • Where both an ACM and an ACP are available, you may need to use either or both of them. 
  • You need to refer to Volume Three for plumbing and drainage provisions. 
  • You may need to refer to Volume One for disability access provisions for Class 1b buildings. 

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This brings us to the end of this presentation.  

Thank you for viewing this NCC Tutor module. Check out the other NCC Tutor modules available to build your understanding of the NCC. 

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